Saturday, August 12, 2017

Friday, August 11, 2017, Winnipeg, MB
Day 92

We drove to the St. Boniface area which is the French neighborhood. We visited the grave of Louis Riel who is considered the founder of Manitoba. Adjacent to the cemetery is the St. Boniface Cathedral which is a memorial to Riel. Just down the street we stop at the La Belle Baguette and have the best chocolate croissant of the trip. We go back to the Forks for lunch. From Baba’s Tall Grass Prairie I had a cabbage roll, a farmers sausage, 3 potato and cheddar perogies and a cup of borscht. Delicious. My Ukranian genes were very happy. Rosemary had a savory crepe from Caramel Crepe. After lunch we walked to Union Train Station and to the Fort Garry Hotel, a real neat looking old building, c. 1913.  After Rosemary got her bubble tea at Tea Story, we visited the Winnipeg Art Gallery which had a special exhibit on Picasso. The exhibit was primarily his etchings in the early 1930's. You can tell my feeling about Picasso by the number of photos I have posted, one. There was also a small exhibit of Inuit art primarily stone carvings. We then walked the remaining part of the skywalk we didn’t walk yesterday. Back to the parking garage at 6:30 where we had parked our car only to find all the entrances locked. Even the car entrance and exit have metal doors that remain closed until a car approaches. While I was dialing the number on the sign, a car exited and we quickly went in the car exit. Fortunately, we found a button which opened the gate and we quickly exited while amazed at the lack of instructions in the garage.

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