Saturday, August 18, 2018

Day 24, Saturday, August, 18, 2018. Gaspe, QC
Today we did the North Entrance to Forillon National Park on another beautiful mostly sunny day with the high 68 degrees again.  Our goal was to climb to the tower on top of Mont Saint-Alban even though our legs were a bit tired from the day before. We drove to the parking lot which is adjacent to the beach meaning sea level and above the parking lot is the tower, 928 feet high on the edge of a cliff. You can barely see it in the photos taken from the parking lot level. It was plenty intimidating but we began the hike. Rated a moderate trail, it was rocky and steep.  Very few spots were level and nowhere was there any downhill section. After a few stops along the way, we reached the tower in just under an hour. And I thought yesterday’s hike to Land’s End was the highlight of the trip.  Well we have a new highlight. The 360 degree view was indescribably gorgeous. We could see north to the lighthouse in Cap-des-Rosiers and south to Perce Rock, a 60 mile drive away. We could see west to the town of Gaspe. And best of all, Rosemary did not let her fear of heights stop her and climbed the 4 stories of the tower and looked over the railing to the beach 928 feet straight down. The hike down was considerably easier and faster. Then we could not resist walking the beach even though it was down several flights of stairs which would require us to climb back up them. Total hike 3 hours. Back to the coach for rest and relaxation the rest of the day.  We actually opened the coach windows and turned the a/c off and the coach remained a comfortable temperature.

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