Saturday, June 2, 2018

Day 12, May 9, 2018.  Wednesday.
A morning walking tour of Passau, Germany, a city at the intersection of three rivers, the Danube, The Inn and the Ilk.  Because of the confluence of the 3 rivers, the town has experienced some severe floods in is history, including one of the highest as recently as 2013.  A palace on the hill is in the Baroque style which often uses optical illusions such as this one showing fake windows and top railing.  At the center of town is St. Stephens Cathedral built in the 17th century and home to the largest cathedral pipe organ in the world.  A organ concert for about 25 minutes was definitely too loud.  In the afternoon, we took a small boat trip on the Inn River where we were served a pretzel, bier and a fat ball, i.e., a spread of half Camembert and half butter.  We were told that mustard on pretzels is an American custom but I am not convinced. We exited the boat and crossed a walking bridge from Germany to Austria, a totally unimpeded border crossing.  Next was a short bus ride to Scharding, a cute little Austrian town of 5,000 with color coded buildings depending on the type of shop inside.  The apothecaries are green, banks blue and the amber (or bier) color for the pubs.  We found a grocery store and I finally got a souvenir, 2 cans of bier to ad to my can collection.  I am not sure the exact type of bier since it is all in German but I have not had anything but good bier while in Germany.  Walking time 2:18, 9,440 steps.

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